Cleaning and Storing Your Fine Jewelry
My first real job outside of the house was with a wonderful, small, neighborhood, fine jewelry store. The owners were a delightful couple, Fred and Lelia Fruits, who were real veterans of the jewelry business. Mr. Fruits could repair anything and was generous...
Do You Have “Another Man’s Treasure?”
We’ve talked about decluttering; how therapeutic it is to free your surroundings of the stuff you don’t need. What we didn’t talk about, however, is the amount of money – real money - you can make from selling what you’ve determined is disposable. There are many...
Innovative Storage: Adding Space Where There Is None
Hello to the faithful who have hung in with my blog, and to you newbies giving it a first glance. As you know or can read in previous blogs, my hubby and I are in the process of gaining control of our cluttered lives. If I've learned nothing else during this...
Organized Storage Increases Home Value
Everyone has a preconceived notion of who the customers for their business will be. I did not think there would be much repeat business from our customers once they had completed the storage solutions for their homes. I could not have been more wrong. It's a new day...
Conquer the Clutter: It’s Good For You!
Where It All Started! I come from a family of collectors; not hoarders, but collectors. I believe it's a genetic condition. For my grandparents, it was books. My mother has an affinity for birds and angels, not to mention the thousands of photographs detailing our...
Welcome to Dream Closets, Inc.
I Wonder Why? You ask, “Why on earth would I want to read a blog post from Dream Closets?” Well, we think Dream Closets has a unique story and an interesting perspective to share. My name is Joni Hunt, wife of one of the founders, mother hen of the employees, and...
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